Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My darling Sorfina...

Sorfina dah pandai sebut Alhamdulillah! and knows when to use it as well. Heheh agaknya dah selalu dengar perkataan itu digunakan gaknye. Note to meself.. never say bad words in front of kids.. They are like sponge that absorbs everything! Have to constantly remind hubby as well as.

Last night, after having a sip of water, she says 'Alhamdulillah' (actually it sounds more like alhamlah) but hey, its a start :) She already gives Salam everytime entering a room or a house and sometimes read Bismillah when she wants to eat or wear cloth.. that makes me a very happy mother :) Hopefully she will grow up to become a good Muslim and daughter..AMIN.

Most of my friends have started sending their kids to these playgroups or montessories..Should i send her to one as well? Thinking back, she's just 2 going into 3 this yr. And making her go to classes like that well... i dunno. Maybe next year. This year i'll just teach her the basics at home. She can identify certain things and animals, understand simple instructions.. can already count 1-10 but she doesnt know her ABC yet and still unsure of colours.. should i be worried? Did some reading at this website http://www.mychildwithoutlimits.org/?page=developmental-milestones on children's milestone. On average, Sorfina is developing just fine. Dont want to push it too far either.

Owh.. i did try potty train her too. Even bought a book 'Little Leo's Potty Time' this is what happen..
Sorfina: Mama, Sorfina uh uh
Me : Ok, Sorfina uh uh dalam potty nak?
Sorfina: Tak nak
Me : Jom la.. mcm Little Leo dlm book. Kan dia uh uh dlm potty.
Sorfina: Tak nak. Sorfina tak nak uh uh dlm potty (sambil tersenyum, sambung uh uh dlm pampers).

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